Project Description
In the field of PCB designing, Drilling, and Plotting with improved accuracy, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) has become very mature in the past decade. This project includes the design and implementation of a CNC machine that will be used for plotting. In this project, all the three axes are controlled using different types of drives and encoders. Control of three degrees of freedom allow more complex tasks to be performed such as working with drilling small holes in a circuit board. The table of CNC Plotter is light weight and smooth and allowing the plotter to plot desired arcs, circles and even more complex figures. This is only possible by interfacing this machine with Mach 3 which is compatible with a variety of files like AutoCAD (dxf, Bitmap, Jpeg etc) and with advanced CAD/CAM soft wares like CATIA and PRO-E Wildfire.
Project Funding
Million Rupee