Recent assessment shows that more than seven billion people live on earth planet are struggling for resources and consequences appearing as environment damages. Attempt to reduce the negative impact of human activity on climate change needs green technologies to curb the pollution. Environmental technology often provides worldwide new ways to avoid depletion of natural resources and providing sustainable solution to pollution like wastewater treatment, solid waste, and air pollution. Put simply, our team of Water, Air and Environment Research Groupaims to protect the environment.
Our mission is building up collaborative research with industries on low-cost solutions to pollution problem.Our vision is to prepare students to gain technology base knowledge to tackle the pollution challenges faced by Pakistan and world, focusing more importantly wastewater, solid waste, and air pollution. Without applied biological sciences, sustainable remediation is not worthwhile therefore group includes biologist as well as environmental technologist. We aim to provide resilient technology base solution to pollution problems, considering it vital for industries, rural and urban development activities. We want to enhance pedagogical knowledge among young scientist to tackle complex pollution anomalies in the environment.
Focus Areas
Focus Areas
Water and wastewater quality assessment and treatment
Air pollution monitoring and control
Plastic degradation
Ecosystem toxicity assessment and way forwards