Electrical Power and Control Systems (EPCS) Research Group

1. Design And Control Of CNC Of Plotter Using Micro Controller

In the field of PCB designing, Drilling, and Plotting with improved accuracy, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) has become very mature in the past decade. This project includes the design and implementation of a CNC machine that will be used for plotting.  In this project, all the three axes are controlled using different types of drives and encoders. Control of three degrees of freedom allow more complex tasks to be performed such as working with drilling small holes in a circuit board. The table of CNC Plotter is light weight and smooth and allowing the plotter to plot desired arcs, circles and even more complex figures.  This is only possible by interfacing this machine with Mach 3 which is compatible with a variety of files like AutoCAD (dxf, Bitmap, Jpeg etc) and with advanced CAD/CAM soft wares like CATIA and PRO-E Wildfire. 

Project Funding
 Funding Body Funds
1 DOST KPK no logo 0.685 Million Rupee

Project Members
  • Engr Barkat  ul-Allah
  • 2. Remote Health Monitoring Of Cardiac Patients

    Various health conditions especially those related to heart needs to be continuously measured either after a disease has been diagnosed or during the course of therapy. Subjects at remote locations where access to health facilities is limited are at the risk of not getting proper health care. In these entire situations an ECG development kit for monitoring of heart patients can be used to provide a continuous, home based and remote health care system.

    Remote health monitoring is quickly scaling up to big numbers with increasing demands of health issues at remote areas. There is no downside to letting people leave the hospital if they are stable and can be monitored as effectively at home. The idea of remote monitoring is even more persuasive for people suffering from long-term conditions, such as cardiac diseases. People treated at home in their own comfort zone are happier and will definitely make better progress. Hospital expenses for room and other related expenditures are eventually cut.

    Remote health monitoring can be implemented as three tier architecture.  Tier 1 incorporates an ECG cardio development kit that is attached to the body of the patients. The kit is capable of sensing different vital signs and processing physiological signals. Tier 2 comprehends a server-based application to the overall monitoring system.  The server is designed to perform a number of tasks including the provision of a user-friendly interface for acquisition of data and for the users wearing the kit, analyzing the working of cardio development kit and configuring the sensors. After configuration, the server application is responsible for managing the overall network, promising a time synchronous based communication without any notable delay. To encounter with delays and latencies, a backup system should be available for carrying out further communication especially in case of emergency conditions.

    Project Funding
     Funding Body Funds
    1 HEC no logo 500000 Rs

    Project Members
  • Dr. Bilal Khan